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The Second Burmes War

The British started War for a reason of 920 Kyats that Captain Shapat (not correct spelling) have to pay to Burmes Mayor (U Oo) as a fine for Murder Case. Actually, it is because of their Greedy and Colonism.

On the other hand, Myanmar King and his officials were only busy for their power struggles and they didn't have knowledge and visions of what world was happening at that time. They could not re-organise our country.

Burmese tried to reformed leaded by Prince Ka Naung and Yaw U Pho Hlaing which was the same time as Janpan's Mejie Kings reforms. But, it was too late for the time being that the british had captured two third of our country and kept burma exile from all over the world. Unfortunately, with the assassination of Prince Ka Naung, the freedom of Burmese was gradually fade away.

Many People such as Kings, Queens, Interior Ministers were responsible for the loss of our country freedom and become the slaves of British.

If Burma was not captured by English, it would be captured by France as the Colonism arises at that time.

Third Englo-Burmes War

"Do not Defence. Those who defense British are Rebellions" This was the most heart breaking command received by every burmese soldiers who loved to defend their Country. It was issued by Minister King Won. With that command, the british were easily captured King TiBaw and put burmese nationals to their slaves.

King Won was the most interlectural minister who had international experiences and visions at that time. He had visited England, France, Italy and other parts of the World. He had idea to reform Burma Mornarchy system into the England and Europe Mornarchy system when he've come back from International visit. He had blindly believed that the British would help him to reform the Burmese Mornachy. He had wanted to replace King Tibaw to Prince Nyaung Yan and also wanted to replace Burmese mornarchy system to Europe ones. However, he didn't notice that British were just the wolves wearing the sheep cover. When he noticed that matter, all the burmese were become the British slaves.

These are the facts that Why Kingdom of Burma have fallen and become one of the Colony of Britich. As Colonism was the most rightous philosophy at that time, Enlish and France would surely tried to make Burma to become their Colony one day. But, after France had defeted the English in Europe, it was not a surprise matter why Burma become the Britich Colony.

I would say that Burmese become slaves because of Burmes Kings, Queens and Minsters are not united, not having the unit vision to develop Burma and lastly lack of technical know-how.

But, what a matter is those who had written about the Burmes history in the Western point of View have too much written upon Burmese defammations which are not correct. As in the first paragraph, the reason of the second Englo-burmese war is because of the British want to get 920 Kyats as a fine for Britich Captaion murder case that nobody would not believe it.

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