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Mao Dun (July 4, 1896–March 27, 1981), whose real name and courtesy name was Chen Dehong (沈德鴻)and Yanbing (雁冰)respectively, was one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century. His achievements were based on the education he had received when he was young, by his parents and schools. That equipped him with the necessary language skills and knowledge about literature.

Mao Dun's parents father Chen Yongxi (沈永錫)designed the cirriculum for his son, who was only five years old at that time. Books like 'Character class chart knowledge' (《字課圖識》)and 'Geography song slightly'(《地理歌略》) were chosen. In the meantime, Mao Dun's mother Zhen Aizhu (陳愛珠)became his first enlightening teacher.

In 1904, Mao Dun was admitted to the first modern primary school of his hometown. He acquired outstanding result and thus was able to be taught in the town's higher quality primary school which was famous for putting emphasis on Chinese and English.In an exmination, the examiner commented on Mao Dun's script with a sentence, '12 year old young child, can make this language, not says motherland nobody'. There were other similar comments about Mao Dun's brilliance when he was still a primary school boy.

While Mao Dun was studying in secondary school, extensive reading and strict writing skills training filled his life. He finished reading 'Illustrios Definite orders'(《昭明文選》), 'Shi Shuo Xin Yu'(《世說新語》) and a large number of novels. The thirst for Chinese classics knowledge continued when Mao Dun entered matrication in Beida. Moreover, he read a lot of English originals.

Master over languages, both Chinese and English, as well as knowledge in Chinese and Western literature were provided to Mao Dun by the fifteen years' education he received since he was five years old. These abilities prepared him for showing up in the limelight of the chinese journalist and literary arena.

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